i'm already missing working outside - and though i probably shouldn't because of temperatures and pigment stability, i steal as many opportunities above freezing as possible ... more wintery mixes on their way again today ... it's becoming more apparenent to me every day how much 'nature' informs my work ... without thinking, i told a friend last night that "nature is God's clothing" ... the more we learn, the more we understand haute couture ...
they all begin this way - i remember one of my first painting instructors from forty some years ago stressing "get the drawing down" ... today, it's more a matter of laying out a mind map for navigating thoughts and geography of surfaces - especially when they get this size ... a welcome reprieve from the cold temps allowed me to get this piece started outside this morning - so much more freedom under the big arena - the clouds, weather, animals, birds - my sources ... what you can't see - is that it started pissin' down rain about a half hour after i took this shot which caused some of the piece to transform itself into hints of morris louis or frankenthaller - the benefits of circumstance ... my intention at this point is to have the piece suggest the subtle lushness of early spring - but things always change ... lately i've been admiring some of monet's nature and how he generalized specifics and made the pieces as much about location as he did about painting - but i'm also thinking about dufy, mompo, miro, gorky drawings, kiefer, petroglyphs, sumi-e, cage, and the giant black hole at the center of our galaxy that german astronomers recently tracked ...