not a bad week - the tv interview with the new arts program series went well - tied up loose ends - figured out what needs to be tied - finished an architectural rendering - turned 56 - was of service to others - reasonably healthy - learned of a residency possibility in st. barts - was asked to provide insight to a contemporary art development project - found out my work is going to be in canterbury's law [tv series] - learned of an art symposium in marfa, texas this may - made some daily bread ...
simple gifts - gratitude lists - petty rifts - cash withstanding - under handing - reconciliation - acrobats - sworn depositions - autobiography - seeing is believing - sensing is knowing - glowing reviews - recompense relief - delicate folds - odor of clean - karmic machines - clogged cogs and centrifuge - reprinted plates - carborundum faith - toxic deluge ...
snapshots can be beautiful too - but usually too personal or subject to nostalgic views to be too beautiful to more than a few - like seeing you cut yourself shaving in a mirror - something anyone can do or does - but it becomes personal ...
i haven’t posted much ...
[its not that i don’t care]
its because i care -
i’ve been wondering why again ...
wondering through w’s ...
[not the chic, slick, trendy, edgy, fashion mag(got)azine, rag, tabloid publication that insidiously erodes the substance of culture with quick-fix, fast-food substitutes for meaning that’s so exciting and colorful and pleasing to the fantasies and eyes that i keep leafing through the pages of like i’m counting a stack of dollars i wish i had or will discover in the imbedded codes of popular motifs]
its the why, what, where, when, want, will, wish, and who am i to think -
that i’ve been grappling with again - thoughts strewn about like a handful of thrown dice left to vector analysis; magnitude, velocity, position, place - actual or hypothetical - random, coercion, dispersion ... who cares ...
where have the honey bees gone ...
did i feed the dog, renew my drivers license, submit applications, show up for business, contribute something more than garbage for environments to assimilate ...
was i on time or late - and in a hundred years, or days, or minutes, or less does it matter ...
there’s probably more schnabels, tapies, twombleys, kiefers, miros, and gorkeys than there are walls in the world now or yet to be - and who would i rather have on my wall - them or me ... or maybe bill gates has it right with slideshows of everything on flat screen tv’s ...
there’s yourtube and myspace, scented plug-ins, virtual this and that, halo decks, jetson reruns, webspace, blogs, gigadrives, and archives - technology to keep us alive and clone life, head space and storage rentals for thoughts and things presently important ...
focus, clarity enhancement, career and spiritual advancement ...
surrendering to the true meaning of disposable - and industries that can be created around it ...
what happens when things don’t pollinate - what’s left to put in my tea ...
shaker syndromes and winter doldrums sound like excuses to me - like turning fifty - and then some - remembering carlin’s aging theorems - surrounded by stupidity, yet somehow feeling dumb, or dumber ... not yet numb - yet to succumb - but more succumber than i could or would want to be, if ... or than some would have me, not ...
destined, charmed, and diseased - what isn’t unlike me and a few million others that do what i do ...
packaged properly, anything can be beautiful ...
opiating ides, manipulated lies, sampled cries, blind eyes, futile tries, ‘i’ ...
where are the bees ...