Tuesday, March 4, 2008

it ...

i used to enjoy flipping on the news -particularly cnn or bbc throughout different times of the day or night - as part of my coffee break and world update to pull me out of my work - until i began to start taking too many breaks that developed into a morbid curiosity - so i disconnected the cable until a few years later when i felt comfortably removed from my preoccupation ...

then 911 happened and i was off to the races again - curiosity - yes ... what happened, who, where, and why ... then what really happened and what the ramifications or consequences would be - security, policing, legislation, preemptive retaliation, threats, ineptitude, unprecedented action, dysfunctional diplomacy, world opinion, arrogant justifications, profiling, alliances, defiance, pomp, slight of hand, election rigging, water boarding, interpretations of conventions, dissension, economic instability, epidemic incivility, catastrophic diseases, genocides, legal debates, debacles, pardons, alienation, uncontrolled borders, food for fuel, domestic abuse, funding misuse, rising prices, foreclosures, bankruptcies, preserving legacies, and on and on and on ...

i’ve watched and listened to more than a lifetime of opinions over the past few years that the farmers in my neighborhood seem like they could care less about except to say “its a mess” or “its all about greed” or “it’ll pass” or “it doesn’t get my work done” or “it doesn’t leave much for the kids” ...

still, i have this unrelenting need to call ‘it’ a name and try to understand the convoluted reasoning behind innumerable permutations of issues and events that have evolved into an ambiguous momentum of confusion that the media is left to define with all its bias and corporate funding ...

hell, they can’t even get the weather right ...

these days i’m reticent about hitting the on button - afraid of what i might find out that’ll upset or color my sensibilities and afraid that by not doing it, i’ll be uninformed ...
so now i figure if there’s something worth knowing, one of my trusted friends will let me know - and the money i save on cable barely fills my tank ...
fair and balanced ...mmmm...