in the midst of all this chaos, change, and bloomin' stuff my allergies escalate to sinus and lung infections which curb my enthusiasm toward hovering over a new 8' x 8' painting outside ...
accept and adjust ...
so i had a bunch of compositions i recorded over the past few years that had to be mixed and mastered - that kind of work is more about patience, decisions, and good ears with minimal physical exertion ... perfect, otherwise it would have been another project shelved ...
more importantly, it was a fun learning experience - in terms of technical proficiency on the roland vs-1880 - and clarification of my own techniques or 'style' when it comes to layering and editing ...
i'm surprised by how much the music sounds the way the paintings look ...
'unmade movies' will be available online as soon as i clean up a few legals - i'll be posting a few on 'utube' as well ...
more on this later ...