Thursday, May 15, 2008

vision ...

6:02 AM

some people have been like corrective lenses for me over the years ...
just when i thought i knew - bingo - they’d say, do, sing, play, paint, write, or exhibit something that would adjust my perspective ...
i’ve been lucky to live through a time of such abundance and access to inspiration, but there’s always a few you can count on ...
rauschenberg was one of them ...
he was fearless, fun, and pertinent ...
he worked materials, color, composition, and images with an ease, audacity, and confidence that only comes from knowing ...
he also reminded us of the importance of the artists’ role beyond the studio; to entrepreneur, philanthropist, government, ambassador ...
he didn’t believe in limits ...
if you happened to be doing the ny gallery circuit in the 70’s, you couldn’t help bumping into him - literally - and always with his perplexed, unassuming, curious amazement ...
i see more clearly because of rauschenberg ...