the first month of 2010 is almost history, and i'm grateful for completing a portion of the resolutions going forward ...
for one, i'm managing to continue to build the website, and i followed suggestions by making daily entries on the blog ...
the daily commitment is more difficult than i thought, but thanks to friends like Lally, Elisabeth, Andrea, and Joel [follow the links]; their comments and disciplined examples are always encouraging ...
i know that lending comments is sometimes a cumbersome task, but you'd be surprised how helpful it is - and if 'google analytics' is close to accurate, there are many more voyeurs than participants - makes me wonder ...
and though 'the weather outside is frightful', i've continued to paint large pieces when i could; begin a transitional phase indoors, photograph, and walk - modify my late night dinners, organize and pack non-essentials, work on unfinished business, pipeline future projects, and take on this lymes malady ...
in addition, for February, i'm going to begin a 'studio tour' series ...
once again, following the suggestions of visitors and voyeurs ...
i often take for granted the daily movements from project to project through the studio - showing a snapshot, but not the vista - so i commit to post a little more 'activity' next month in real time [as i get the hang of it] ...
it hasn't been the healthiest month on record, but i'm determined to do what i can to make improvements; including find more time for prayer, meditation, reading, and being of service to people in need of it - after all, if this "period of recovery" is going to work for anyone - its got to be on the level of the soul for everyone ...
and as Jorge Borges said as he let a handful of sand from the Sahara pass through his hand - "i've modified eternity" ...