Wednesday, September 5, 2007

just walk ...

strange how thoughts come and go - i read something this morning during my usual morning meditation that jumped off the page - "balance and poise amid change..." - also, over the past couple of days, whether reading something on art, physics, movie reviews, or geopolitical concerns - the idea of losing 'self' keeps popping. then, for whatever reason, i remembered an incident in vivid detail that occured when i was about ten years old; i went fishing with my father one early spring evening after a heavy april rain storm - the creek was wild and the wind was fierce - a large fallen tree stretched across the stream which my father sure-footedly navigated with ease - as i followed, i began to lose my 'balance and poise' about halfway over - seeing my discomfort my dad simply directed me to "don't think about 'it' - just walk" - needless to say, i ended up in the creek. all my dad said was "i doubt that'll happen again". i haven't thought about that in forty years - why now? why not every day?