Sunday, January 6, 2008

veil #2 ...

[: will - thy, me, them - stymied stem - man in black - coffee girl - ring of fire - swollen - dante desires - trillions - nero’s melody - day of the dead - visions of sugar plums - laced - multi faced - rubrics - liturgies - lazy - soft silver-white metal - brigadoon moon - satellite sight - wacky wars - republicans - for which we - of the - ottoman seats - twenty nine provinces - seven deadly sins - weill brecht waits - parson’s tail - snail mail - free man - silk - masquerades - jade - cabaret - percent solutions - hold, fold, or run - hair man towers - city limits - mini malls - bering balls - straight as - hello - narrow - camel eye - carmel skies - gold and pearl - prada streets - gehry lines - perilous times - nazz - running red - lace wings - vessel leans - pisa francisco - sliced pimento - spring on mcdougal - poised charm - breughel’s confusion - bush whacked illusions - no farm, no howl - wixing merds - sober byrds - choir wires - eighth mile hire - daily bread - living dead - walking - purchasing power - of forefathers - measured and sized - blinded by light - plato’s cave - bad seeds - good deeds - karmic relief - dog chasers - august past noon - shaker sprigg - elegant simplicity - depraved duplicity - thin skin chagrin - marlow’s chin - chinese theater - tokai drums - tarpits and tunnels - factory laughs - cyanide gas - shoe street and fifth - angelica’s grift - presence and gift - begging again, begin - piece accords - peace affords - balance of power :]