Friday, November 7, 2008

stimulate ...

heard president elect obama's press conference today, and what stood out most was the reality-solution strategy of challenges we as a country need to address ...

an approach that demonstrates sophistication, intelligence, and leadership rather than reaction, aggression, and trickery ...

don't want to get corny, but in the old barn where i live and work there was a plank of wood in the original hayloft with the words 'united we stand, divided we fall - 1866' - just seems like a fact of nature which is evident everyday in the wildlife of the forest - and after all this divisive, negative energy splayed about by the media over the most tedious campaign season in history - it's a relief ... not to mention a relief from the fear-mongering rhetoric, arrogant posturing, diminished opportunities, and deceptions over the past eight years ...

suddenly someone is talking about stimulating the people, small business, growth, changing policies, and transparency with a 'can do' attitude - that in itself is stimulating ...

lally, the poet, once told me that " fear is the great divider, and love the great provider " ...

today i heard tangible evidence of the latter - nurturing, positive, and stimulating ...

so go make some art, buy some art, go to a poetry reading - a dance recital, a concert, find a new book, or a cd, do something different, something you've never done or haven't done for eight years, celebrate a new beginning - life and love, stimulate, and "give a good day" ...