Sunday, January 17, 2010

jupiter rising ...

jupiter + jupiter close up

painting outside

painting close up

one of those beautiful, Sunday winter mornings - warm and cozy inside, overcast and cold outside - with no particular place to go ...
a studio day for sure - with just enough rain outside to avoid having to pull out the hose to apply color fields on a few large surfaces - and enough drying time to attack some of those nagging little projects - like scanning 4 x 5 transparencies from the 'signals and cells' series for upload to the web page ...

there's no urgency, but i've been avoiding a few projects for far too long - a couple of landscapes i was inspired to do last spring [but never finished], that a few clients expressed interest, and an architectural model for a project that is strictly conceptual - but there's a likelihood that the project would fly if i just got to it ... maybe its the 'uncertainty' i'm avoiding ...
though i make a living as an artist, nearly everything i do is flavored with uncertainty: will the client appreciate it, buy it, recommend it - is there an audience - does it matter - will friends and associates encourage me, or ignore the efforts - when do i take it personally and when do i accept that their lives might be too busy ... i guess it all comes down to 'expectations' and choices - i never enjoyed the company of 'yes people' and i do what i do because i chose it from a deep and abiding love for art ... that, i suppose, preempts everything - and much to Eve's chagrin, even her circuitous walks in the woods - but her kind of loyalty deserves some scheduling adjustments today ...