dinah gets kicking - delaware crossings - thrown money, pruned trees - pathetic myth use - polemic rivers - grate gold suspenders - legal defenders - hume’s disguise - humored abuse - stealth owl in flight - ice, moon, holiday light - damp venice nights - avoiding commitment, pressure, and pain - choosing nothing over more of the same - montana videos, salsa, and greens - books without pages - empty ocean sounds - what doesn’t change - dick clark, the faithful, quit funding nature - beasts to be pardoned - velvet hopper hard on - purveying perversions - big, more, and better for a limited time - secure a desire - spontaneous fire - persistence of - can’t a leaver be designed - from breast plates and aggregates true - crossroads in fashion - payment overdue - emerson, masterson, batman, and slaves - pigeon shit on morrison’s grave - henry dave saved it for mosquitos and fleas - miled progressions - counterpoint ease - written on blackboards with charcoal and ink - one thousand not to do’s - titanic helios - icarus wings - voices, reason - my favorites bring - turquoise, silver, amethyst, and amber - coins in a fountainhead - randy, but never a dancer - divesting enhancers - plasma tv’s - late nights with letters - drives through the gap - jazz at the dearhead with monterey jack - hot airplane chops - chicken or fish - widening scrolls - cartoon stupid pouts - bermuda scooters over after-dark toads - hamilton, lennon, over the bay - has no fury - totems of knots wrought - turkey hillsides - sons of blue dog - two for the taking - suite worn out raincoats - mainly the plain - crimelessly gouging charlemagne’s eyes - shadowless lobbies - i.m. pei - gore’s grand discoveries - gates’ tinted greed blinders - zeising green tea - three to get ready and - fortify aldous with film and bow - dern redneck glow - fruit laden willows - kamikaze flights through putrefied skies - for whom the bell tolls - andre’s chagrin - earnest moleskin from pablo’s hand - gitano, ducatti, marlboro man - sir tony forgot what hannibal knows - needling camels with surgical ease - lambs lay on broadway - elders’ decree simul spoke - gabriel’s horn dodging asymptotes - sound realignments - angels gloat - axis, axiom, deference, tar - moats around modernity - we know major toms’ a junkie - hey charlie, we coulda - instead of a foo fighting single - sympathizers and defenders - spilt milk, hemlock, and piss - etu popeye’s connection - fried eyed big city, eiffeling heights - harbor runt lies - righteously ranting in blue suits, red ties - moi hyperboli, vous goodbye - spider to a fly - flash cards used to be - doesn’t matter - transform animation - bridges too ...