Saturday, February 27, 2010

change on a dime ...

i dig those old adages; "life can change on the drop of a dime" - and though i don't always know their origins, i get the gist ... it could have something to do with a phone call, or reaching out - which in my case, it did ...
things don't often happen in my time - which will always cause undo - self generated stress and anxiety - but eventually, things have a way of working out ...
i've been trying to make headway on a long-term business strategy which includes my studio, living space, and archives ... some of the plans require investor input, and in this economy they become as rare as snowbirds in winter - but i remain persistent and optimistic which is more than half the battle, until my energies begin to wane ...
today, despite the weather and weekend, i got a morning visit from a reputable business person who presented viable options toward achieving some of those plans, and once again lends credence to 'life changing on a dime' ...
sometimes it has less to do with finding solutions than knowing options and hope exist ...

i often feel blessed - perhaps others wouldn't see it that way - but i've been lucky in life to do what i love - to do what i believe in ...
i never forget it - and never forget that others are not as fortunate ... but i also remember that there are those more fortunate that occasionally need reminding - besides, we all have something to contribute - and pooling together beats pulling apart ...