Tuesday, February 23, 2010

character[s] ...

all this new technology stuff is great - helps to keep up with the speed of life i guess ...
but there's something about a black and white print photograph from 35 mm film [or larger format] that has so much more character than the digital images - just different ...
the whole process of lighting, exposing, and the alchemy in the darkroom adds a soul to the image that even color film seems to saturate ...
i notice the same in some of the old 'film noir' classics, which i sometimes watch without dialogue, but with my own choice of music - like some of the old Humphrey Bogart's with Mingus, etc. ...
the top two are a couple of favorites - Picasso and Lee Miller, and Giacometti with his newspapers ...
p.s. i may have to reconsider my studio attire since i usually see these guys in ties ...