I'm not always good with spelling - some kind of letter dyslexia - so i always have a dictionary close at hand - [along with my art history, materials and techniques, and big book] ...
some words get assimilated into our vocabulary through media that colloquializes a word before we really know it ... [kind of like the White House party crashing couple] ...
'going rogue'; though it roles off the tongue easily, sounds a little scampish, and had a unique branding characteristic - is one of those words ...
so before i used it in yesterday's word play, i looked it up - the actual definition is much more revealing than i realized, so i thought i would share ...
rogue: –noun 1.a dishonest, knavish person; scoundrel.
Synonyms: | bad egg, bad news, black sheep, blackguard,charlatan, cheat, cheater, con artist, criminal, crook, defrauder, devil, fraud, heel, hooligan*, lowlife, mischief, miscreant, monstrosity, ne'er-do-well, outlaw, problem*, rapscallion, rascal,reprobate, scalawag, scamp, scoundrel, swindler, trickster, villain |
i do enjoy when humor imitates truth ...